
Step into a world where words feel like warm hugs and stories are an invitation to adventure.

Cozy Letter Club is where you’ll discover stories that make you smile, relax, and dream—crafted with love just for kindred spirits like you.

I'm Alice Briggs, and I'm so glad you're here. I love to travel, create art, share stories, and of course drink lots of tea. Annily's letters came as a result of feedback I received on the novel I've written - a cozy mystery that ran away with me a bit!

But, my beta readers were shocked that Annily talked to strangers. 

Confession: I talk to strangers...

Evidently, I should have been kidnapped or something by now.

My friends tease me about that quite a lot, actually! I grew up in New Mexico, and that's what you do. You talk to people in line at the store, or where ever. It's about the only time I can be accused of being outgoing. Ha!

But, I did wonder how Annily might explain her adventures to a friend of hers back home, and Annily's Letters was born. 

I'm excited to share with you my love of getting fun things in the mail, stories involving train travel through the UK, fun mysterious adventures, and artwork through these letters. Many of the illustrations are from photos I've taken on my adventures.

Although mine have been far less exciting than Annily's!

I can't say I'm sorry about that.

And, hopefully I'll get back and finish that novel sometime soon. 

I can't wait to send you a fun adventure through the mail!


You can find my nonfiction books under Alice Briggs where ever they are sold.

You can find my other artwork at AliceArlene.com